Steven E. Pierce LTD.
Tax Tips and Tricks.
Affordable Care Act.
Taking Care of Your Business,
Is Our Business
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51 Downtown Plaza  ~  Fairmont, Minnesota 56031  ~  (507) 238-4304

Tax Tips and Tricks

Our Firm provides more than just accounting and tax services.  We believe it is our job to anticipate your needs and provide solutions.  By applying our talents and experience to your unique business situation, we can create timely, cost effective solution to your financial, tax and management issues.

Please choose one of the following sections:


Hobby Loss Rules and Guidelines


Gambling Gains and Losses


Employer Expense Reimbursement Plans


Planning for Education Expenditures


Summer Day Camp Credit


IRS Phishing  


New Human Resource Changes


Social Security Administration Changes


Where’s My Refund?


Keogh Plan


Expanded Credit for hiring Unemployed Veterans


Standard Mileage Rates for 2015


Charitable Deductions


Home Office Deductions




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